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Writer's pictureAnne Marie McGrane

Day 35. An Irish wolfhound wearing ice-skates.

Updated: May 8, 2018

I think I've entered some kind of time warp, this can't only be Day 35...surely it's Day 65 at least? It feels like I'm doing this project forever! It's an extra workload to my day but I have to say that it's very enjoyable...and I really like the collaboration with online followers sending me captions. Not a lot of people are getting involved though, I don't know if it's because they are just mini-illustrations so people aren't interested in winning them or if it's just bad timing...since the recent Facebook scandal I think social media users are wary about logging in, signing in or giving email addresses. Unfortunately to comment on a Wix blog like this one, you have to log in, I can't remove that step. Anyway, I'll keep drawing away and if you know anyone else who might like to enter the competition please pass the word along. The more the merrier!

How to win

If you would like to win this poor Irish Wolfhound having trouble on his skates, just go to the comment section below and...

  • give him a name

  • give the pic a caption

Get your entries in by midnight tonight (07/05/2018) and come back here tomorrow to see if you've won.

Good Luck!

...and the winner is fahertye!

This short caption made me laugh out loud. DM me your details and I'll post this little wannabe skater out to you on Friday.

Well Done!

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May 07, 2018

So Superintendent Lewis , skates up behind Bran the wolf hound and says .........

Spread em hound.. .


Louise Kearns Murphy
Louise Kearns Murphy
May 07, 2018

Poor Willie' it's not been a great day ' he just has to face facts he will never be as good as torvil and Dean and ice skating will just have to remain a dream


May 07, 2018

Having 4 legs will surely make this easier, thought didnt.


May 07, 2018

As he hit the deck again Ivan though to himself “someday I’ll triple salchow with a feckin’ toe loop just like poncy Peter the prima-donna poodle”


Darin Maguire
Darin Maguire
May 07, 2018

Broc isnt going to be representing Ireland in the figure Skating at the Winter Olympics any time soon.


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