Day 29 and I had the urge to be a bit more painterly today. No colour whatsoever, just monotone. So this is a cockerel in a coat, Johnny cash style. When I was looking for images to base this on I almost Googled 'cocks in coats' but I had second thoughts at the last minute!!! I'm guessing the captions today may be a little on the rude side, we'll soon see...
How to win
So if you'd like to win this moody cock (the jokes just write themselves) go to the comment section below and...
give him a name
give the pic a caption (the funnier the better)
Get your captions in by midnight tonight (01/05/2018) and come back here tomorrow to see if you've won.
Good Luck!
...and the winner is Paul!
You restrained yourself Paul, I was expecting a much ruder caption! There will be a cock in the post to you on Friday
When he wasn't advertising Cornflakes, Cornelius liked to show a crowd how good a cock can be with his instrument.
Ringo went off to a session , he wanted to make an impression,
but the musical cock , went and got locked,and ended up with depression.
I say ' I say boys and girls these comments are exceeding the limitations of my medication 😜
Kevin the cockerel was feeling smug about the new genre of music he had just created...Cock Rock!
Charlie Cockerel crooned nightly, to the chickens and livestock. His singing wasn't bad, but his songs were slow and sad.....and nobody enjoys a moody cock.