Day 18 and this illustration was actually a request. My Dad isn't an Elvis fan (he loooves ABBA) but for the letter R today he really wanted to see a rhino in a rhinestone jumpsuit like Elvis. I've no idea why but he was pretty adamant! The paper I use is only 85mm x 85mm so I thought I'd lose too much detail trying to fit a whole jumpsuit in...hopefully the Elvis glasses and burger will compensate. If you'd like to win this stylish(?) rhino then read on...
How to win
So if you'd like to win this hungry fella just go to the comment section below and...
give him a name
give the pic a caption (the funnier the better)
Get your entries in by midnight tonight and come back here tomorrow to see if you've won.
...good luck!
...and the winner is legin501 (who I've since discovered is called Nigel).
Well done Nigel, this Elvis wannabe will be on his way to you soon. You'd better stock up on burgers.
Reg the Rhino was having second thoughts about wearing white whilst eating a double burger.
Romeo the rhino felt he was just a big "hunk o love'but people with 'suspicious minds'felt he was just 'The devil in disguise' who lived 'In the getto' Under the blue moon of Kentucky' eating burgers
Ryan O’Presley says “it’s the wonder... the wonder of food!”