Day 7 and I thought this little gorilla would be funny looking but he ended up looking a little sad...or is that just me? I think he struggles with body issues.
Anyway, now that I'm 7 days in, I thought I would give you an update on my feelings about #the100dayproject project so far. It's been a very positive experience, it definitely makes me get out into the studio and get working so I can get the illustrations done early and get going on my own studio I think it's improving my work ethic. It's also letting my imagination get a workout, I don't know what I'm going to draw until I sit down to do it. Usually my work is planned in advance so that's a welcome change. An unexpected benefit is the interaction that I've had online with other artists who are taking part. I've discovered some interesting artists that I now follow and I've gained a few followers of my own in return. I'm interested to see how the next 93 days will go!
How to win
If you'd like to win this little gorilla just go to the comment section below and...
give him a name
give the pic a funny caption
Get your entries in before midnight tonight (09/04/2018) and I will announce the winner tomorrow.
So come back here to check if it's you!
...Good Luck!
...and the winner is Carol!
I love this caption...although it makes me think that my social life is quite tame.
Well done!
Glenn the Gorilla thought he looked fabulous, but couldn't help feeling a little over dressed for foraging in the jungle.
Haha. I love this, my dad's name is Glenn and we always used to say he looked like a gorilla. Ah memories.
Jacob is my name
Polkadot is big right now
Ì tend to go for style, not comfort
Gilbert didn't have much faith in his new control pants.
Gary the Gorilla knew he’d had a great evening the night before... if only he could remember any of it...
I believe his name is Monty.
He is saying, "Are you absolutely *certain* it's supposed to feel like *this*?"
P.S. I think he is adorable and I am so happy I found your #the100daysproject this morning. :D