That was my initial reaction when blogging was suggested to me.
I presumed blogs fell into two camps. One camp full of people with a lot to say - y'know, really interesting people, writing interesting things, posting interesting photos and just being bloody interesting. Another camp full of people with not a lot to say but who really love to post photos of their dinner. I don't consider myself very interesting and my dinners are dull, so I thought that the blogging world wasn't for me...then an Instagram challenge changed my mind.
March Meet The Maker
If you haven't heard of #marchmeetthemaker it's an Instagram challenge created by Joanne Hawker where you agree to post online everyday for the month of March about yourself, your work, your inspiration etc. I never posted anything personal before and it was definitely a challenge...even posting this picture of my work space felt strange at first but to my surprise, as the days passed I really enjoyed it! You can see all my posts here. I got some nice comments, some new followers and it was a really positive experience. It was also fascinating to gain an insight into other makers' art practices, studios and processes. It made me think that maybe people would be interested in seeing my own work practices and how my projects progress, so despite my initial I am, writing my first blog post!
The 100 Day Project
I'm taking on the #the100dayproject challenge next and I'll share my progress here. It starts on April 3rd and my project will involve 100 days of mini illustrations like the one pictured above, which I will give away each day for 100 days!
I'll tell you more in my next post...
I like the idea of 100 giveaways 😊 Will the koala in spotty knickers be one?