So #the100dayproject has it's rules...
Pick an action. In my case I will create an illustration. To be precise, an illustration of an animal wearing clothes...cos, why the hell not?
Repeat that action everyday for 100 days
Post it to Instagram and use the #100dayproject hashtag
Create your own hashtag to suit your project and post that everyday too. Mine is #100daysofferalfashion
...and these are my rules
I'll set a timer and give no more than half an hour to each illustration
I'll draw the first animal and piece of clothing that I pick from my lists, no changing my mind.
I'll limit myself to using two colours of paint - Lamp Black and Cadmium Red (although I've already broken that with the Bee in a Bikini pictured above but c'mon... ya have to use yellow for a bee!)
I will use only a Phthalo Blue coloured pencil for shading.
As soon as I'm finished I'll post it online, no titivating after that!
Now, for me to do a project for 100 days and not drift away by day 20 in search of alcohol, I'll need to make things handy. I don't want to have too much to think about or too many decisions to make each day...I'm sure there will be days where my brain won't want to co-operate so I'm getting prepared.
Paper cut and ready to go? Check.
Tools and materials ready? Check.
List of animals in alphabetical order? Check
List of clothes in alphabetical order? Check.
Emergency bottle of wine stashed in the cupboard? Check.
Okay, wish me luck. The first of my #100dayproject drawings will be posted tomorrow, which means I'll tell you how to win and the first competition winner will be posted tomorrow too...
Titivating is a great word. What a shame we'll have none of it.